This week I have provided an Audioboo giving a brief overview of what we have done in class over the past two weeks. Not only is this my first Audioboo, it is my first podcast. Generally speaking, I hate hearing recordings of myself, and that much has not changed. Be that as it may however, I did not wholly hate this experience; in fact, I think it could be really helpful for students. Just as blogging in general was not particularly comfortable for me at first, I have become used to and enjoy it now. By getting students out of their comfort zones, they are forced to try new things and become better at adapting. A simple task such as Audiobooing (is that a word?) not only hones students' communication skills by forcing them to articulate JUST what they want to say (they only have three minutes, remember), but they also have to practice embedding it into their blog. Hopefully as they practice these skills, things will flow rather than succumb to being random thoughts flung onto the screen.
Good use of embedded audio. Thanks for sharing.